Blakeney 202070
we stood beside a river
near the sea
at sunset
the dappled sky reflected
calm all around
gulls and boats
calling and lapping
a rhythm in my life
insignificant in space
and time
but bringing calm
I could stand
for hours
wallowing in the mystery of existence
or creation
just a blade of grass
a sprig of wildflowers
bringing brightness
to the end of another
summers day
and tomorrow is always
next day Blakeney 202070
and then another evening comes
emotions flow
considering eternity
I'm sitting
by another sunset
looking at the power
of the universal
looking at the patterns of clouds
enfolding the evening horizon
looking at the pinks
and yellows
the end of yet another summer day
Our world and all it holds
creates imaginings
beyond our tiny reality
because it exists
and because we exist
within it
is there anything more